Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Halloween!

The girls are excited for Halloween. They got to dress up last week for their cousin's Halloween Party.

Monday, October 13, 2008

The Little Farmer

We went to the Little Farmer this weekend to pick out pumpkins with cousins Sabrina and Jonathan.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Amy Update

Amy lost her first tooth two weeks ago! Her next bottom one is about to fall out!!!
Here is Amy at her Barbie Princess birthday part in early Sept.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Here is a photo of Rich and the girls at the shore of Lake Michigan near the Shedd Aquarium. We visited the aquariumn with Julia and Amy on August 11th. It was Amy's first plane ride, and the first one that Julia remembers. We had a great time.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Fun at the Zoo

We had fun at the NEW Zoo with daddy this week. The girls had fun looking at the lions who were lounging right next to the viewing window!

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Here is a photo taken after the wedding-it was a very nice day outside!

Bonnie and Kris' Wedding

Bonnie and Kris got remarried this week. Their daughter Britney was the flowergirl.

The First Swim

It was actually warm enough the other day to get out the baby pool for some fun. We are still waiting for consistent warm weather and then we will put the bigger pool out.

Girl Scout Trip

Julia's Brownie Girl Scout troop went camping for a night up in Sturgeon Bay. We stopped at "The Farm" on the way. We got to feed animals from bottles and with corn. It was a lot of fun!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Sunday, June 1

Today the girls and I went to the Oshkosh Menominee Zoo and park with some friends. It was a beautiful day outside-finally! We ate lunch and then went to Leon's Drive in for some custard. It was so much fun!